If you have been in the infertility world for even a short amount of time you probably have heard of the medication referred to commonly as Clomid. By definition, Clomid (clomiphene) is a non-steroidal fertility medicine. It causes the pituitary gland to release hormones needed to stimulate ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). So…
Infertility Medications
My Experience Having A Uterine Polyp and Hysteroscopic Myomectomy Polypectomy
Three years ago we were in the thick of fertility treatments. We had been trying for a third baby since July 2013 and by August 2014 we had done about 9 rounds of IUI. Because we had been unsuccessful with getting pregnant with IUI (after successfully getting pregnant through IUI twice before) my RE did…
How To Find The Perfect Fertility Doctor
Finding a doctor you click with is important. Whether it is your dentist or your eye doctor- you want to feel comfortable with whoever is treating you and your family. Nothing could be more true when looking for a reproductive endocrinologist (RE or fertility doctor). Your doctor will most likely see you at your lowest…